Thursday, November 10, 2011

11 is my Lucky #.......11-11-11

Yes i know.... i'm terrible at this blogging thing.. but i am determined to do better!
  So yes, I have had a successful month and a half in my new salon. Working crazy hours but sooo worth the fact  that I am happily working for myself. Yes of course I'd love to be living in a warmer climate in a town with so much to do, but I look at the lovely little home Jared and I have made, nestled in the valley with the AMAZING mountains surrounding us, and I feel a sense of serenity.
*At the pumpkin patch enjoying our lovely mountains*

  So many thing shave happened since I blogged last. I had my first NYC trip.... its was soooo hectic, and I expected that going in to it, but with the short time we were there, I didn't get to enjoy it like I want to enjoy NYC for my first time. I remember growing up in the tiniest town ( I mean 0 stoplights and 1 small store and thats it) and telling my dad... "One day I'm gonna live in New York", he always laughed and said I'd never last. So... guess he was right! As much as I know going back and knowing what to expect and enjoying all it has to offer... i will never live there. It made me appreciate so many things, my car... my home, which I thought was small but compared to NYC apt. it is a mansion, being able to drive out of the town into the country in a matter or mins, and the quietness. Don't get me wrong, I did love all the city had to offer, it was beautiful at night from the rooftops, the music & urban lifestyle is amazing, and I know I only experienced 5% of what it has to offer, but thats the joy of going again and again. Thank GOD for Emily S, her having lived there and knowing her way around was a lifesaver for this small town couple. The subways made my head spin, and where to stay and not to stay, well is very clear now! She took some very memorable pictures, and I was so happy to spend the time with our best friends,  the Sibitzky's are so awesome :)

  The GTC, our amazing group of friends, had our annual Halloween party. Last year... well it wasn't the best memory for Jared and I... Four Loco's, not a good idea. This year... we had a great time, everyone seemed to have girlfriends/ boyfriends and we all danced and had a blast, some as Star Wars characters, and some as guys in speedos and chaps, others as phantoms and indians, either way it was another one to put down in the books.