Wednesday, September 19, 2012

24 and Counting

    Ok so I made it another year in this crazy whirlwind of a world. Couldn't tell you just how blessed I am though. All of the messages, kind words, cards and time spent have been the most important. The hardest part was calling my Grandma yesterday to thank her for her card, and not getting to talk to my Pop... who passed awatly earlier this year. I know hes singing me a song in heaven today though... I'm sure that would Be my favorite present of all.

My Pop and Sister Rae.. his laugh was contagious!

  In the past month our life that we were living happily in our routine, kinda got jumbled. It was like God said, haha comfy are ya.. try this change of pace. By all of that meaning, we are leaving the home I have known for the past 24 years, in the beautiful Appalachian mountains, for the big city of Nashville Tennessee. My husband was offered a job through Wells Fargo that we just couldnt refuse. <br>

Dragons Tooth ~ One of my favorite places to hike at home.
Nashville... Soon to be new home

&#160; So now i am boxing up our little home we have grown to love so much, and putting it on the market today, my birthday. It is a bittersweet feeling but also we are so excited to see what God has in store for us. Leaving my parents, my best friend/ sister, Jareds family will be hard but no they have to get out more and travel to us!!
  If someone would have asked me last year on my birthday, what id being doing today.. selling my home and moving away would not have been my answer!
  I can't put into words the people in my life, especially the past two years, and what an impact they have made on me. I prayed for Years.. to make friends like I have now. But I know now more than ever the lasting relationships we have made... near or far won't matter.
  My husbands favorite #, & baseball jersey # is 24... so he is determined that this is my year to shine ... and that there is only good to come this year. New adventures are getting ready to begin... ok God your the driver I'm ready to catch the scenery along the way.

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