Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sissy Rae

Ok so I have this awesome app for the blog now... pretty sure I'm gonna be able to do this more now.

I have so much to catch you up on. I am getting ready to start the most exciting new adventure... more from that tomorrow ;-). Today is all about my sister Rachel.

Rachel Alexandria Moore... aka "Sissy Rae".. today she turned 19. How the time has flown by. I vividly remember that day, even if i was only 5 years old.. sitting impatiently in the waiting area with my aunts, wondering who was gonna replace me. Then out popped my dad and said "Its a girl!", for a second.. as a five year old would I felt sad... then it hit me.. yayy a sister!

That feeling came and went through the years.. being 5 years apart we had our fair share of fights... me trying to smother her with a pillow, and her annoying me, but now I see how those annoying times were her wanting to spend time with me. But we also have BooKoos of memories too. Living in the country, running through the woods, swinging on the swings our dad made us, playing with Hi Hos to hikes and dancing to country music and Spice Girls in my room... they have become even more special now that we are so close.

I guess it all started when my father was very ill and my mom and him were living at UVA, for treatments. I was 14/15 at the time... prime-time teen-ager years. Those times got put on hold while I became Raes mom for the next year, homework, talks and tears all. Then the following year my parents divorced, so we clung together even more.

It has been a wild ride for us as sisters and ourselves as a person, the past 9 years were hard, but I wouldn't give up one single day because it has made us who we are now, and we are closer than ever.

I am so proud of the woman she has become, that once akwardy shy Tom boy has become the most gorgeous and smart woman. GHS graduate, attending Radford University as a sophomore, Miss Independent and don't mess with me or my family attitude are the strongest attributes most are, but the ones I see is a caring, loving, God fearing, Dreamer. 

I love you Rae Happy 19th Birthday!

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