Thursday, September 29, 2011

Salon Bohemia Finishing Touches

  Tomorrow is the big day! Last day at the old salon, and tomorrow i start setting up the new salon. It has been a long time coming! My father, Jared, Dan S, and Emily S have helped so0o much!! I can't imagine not having them in my life, they are amazing! My dad is a walking miracle and has been working with severe neuropathy and other health conditions... thats what is making this even more special for me.
  I Love being a DIY person... crafts and art has made this special for me. I am starting to make hair pins, feather jewelry and headbands to incorporate in the salon. Salon Bohemia will definitally have those personal touches all over it!
  Before and after pics tomorrow!!! Hope you like it as much as I do!

Ok so it took over a month for pics... but i have them!! Guess that means I have been busy in the new salon! We still have alot to do, it looks amateur but it is so amazing working from home!


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