Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sharing Life

  Goodness i couldn't be happier that this day is coming to an end. Working two jobs is exhausting! I am currently in the midst of building an at home salon, Salon Bohemia, starting in Oct 1st! Which i am very excited about because the place i am now is so crazy expensive and stressful. This new adventure for me is risky but exciting! I will be doing what i love, hair, adding my own flair to the decor, selling accessories and of course being my own boss is awesome! But until then, working part time and full time and having a life is stressful!
  Jared and I are in a life group which helps me to unwind on Tuesdays. Our life group is basically several young married couples, some with new babies and some with no kids, who share their faith based life together. We have a study that we do every so often and we are currently reading " The Marriage You Have Always Wanted", which we are getting a lot out of. We discussed tonight how not only do we have to be servants to God but we have to be as well to our spouse and people in our life... this is teaching me a lot. Has me looking at life a a different perspective. It makes me see how selfish i am, and how i can change that. These couples are so encouraging, honest and open. We truly share life, no masks or fibs, no one is perfect and we don't judge, we help each other. Tonight we actually grabbed blankets and sat in a parking lot in the middle of downtown Roanoke.... which seems sketchy and loud, but at 7:0 pm it was peaceful and wonderful. In the midst of concrete, buildings, and chaos, we were sharing God and life, and the world around us seemed to fade away, and we could see the sun setting in between the buildings.


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