Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our First Milestone

  This weekend couldn't have been more perfect! Saturday was Jared and I's 5th wedding anniversary. With our new living situation... we weren't sure if we could pull it off but I made it happen! Skyping wasn't gonna be the way i saw him for our anniversary, so surprised him about 2 am Friday night in Nashville. It was the PERFECT weekend. If anyone knows us... hes the one who usually is doing the surprising too! Even though we really had our anniversary present back in the summer ( visiting our honeymoon spot, Corolla NC), I couldn't not see him the day of! So in honor of our 5 year Anniversary i am writing in honor of him.

Our 5th Annv trip in Corolla NC
  What can I say about my hubby? Most would say Jared is the most randomly funny person ever. This is true... but that is what the outsiders get to see.  I have gotten to know this funny guy pretty well after spending the last 7... almost 8 years together.

Funny hubby... our normal Skype convos

  Jared came into my life when I needed him most. My parents were divorcing, my dad was very ill, and I was trapped in the middle of being a teenager and growing up to help my family. He not only kept me grounded, he showed me a whole different side to myself that I never got to experience. He brings out that side of me still to this day. He is also is a strong and hard worker, he is so talented and would do anything for anyone. His love for life, his family, me and most of all God is one of the shining qualities of my hubby.

Got my handsome hubby up early

Happy couple in Nashville~ 5 yr Anniversary

    Most people not only thought we were crazy for getting married at the age we did... It was 1 month past my 19th birthday exactly. What most do not know is how very sick my dad was at the time, Jared insisted we go ahead and get married a year early so my dad could walk me down the aisle  So with me going to school, working two jobs, and trying to keep my dad healthy.. when did i have time to plan a wedding?!?? Trust me Pinterest wasn't around, or popular 5 years ago! So i gave up MOST of the control to Jared to plan the wedding. One of the explanations why we got married on home-plate at Kiwanas baseball field. I found my dress on clearance when a local bridal shop was going out of business and he picked out the food, colors, and  most of the rest. People ask all the time, would I change it, and sure it crosses my mind, Oh that would have been awesome to do this or that, but he got the wedding of HIS dreams, no I wouldn't change it for the world.

  So yes we made it  through our 5 year mark, By Gods grace for sure, but lots of LOVE, Understanding, and communication. Jared completes me, hes everything I am not. I couldn't thank him enough for all he has done for me, but I can't wait to see what adventures and laughter we have waiting for us the next milestone in our lives. Love you Bear.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

24 and Counting

    Ok so I made it another year in this crazy whirlwind of a world. Couldn't tell you just how blessed I am though. All of the messages, kind words, cards and time spent have been the most important. The hardest part was calling my Grandma yesterday to thank her for her card, and not getting to talk to my Pop... who passed awatly earlier this year. I know hes singing me a song in heaven today though... I'm sure that would Be my favorite present of all.

My Pop and Sister Rae.. his laugh was contagious!

  In the past month our life that we were living happily in our routine, kinda got jumbled. It was like God said, haha comfy are ya.. try this change of pace. By all of that meaning, we are leaving the home I have known for the past 24 years, in the beautiful Appalachian mountains, for the big city of Nashville Tennessee. My husband was offered a job through Wells Fargo that we just couldnt refuse. <br>

Dragons Tooth ~ One of my favorite places to hike at home.
Nashville... Soon to be new home

&#160; So now i am boxing up our little home we have grown to love so much, and putting it on the market today, my birthday. It is a bittersweet feeling but also we are so excited to see what God has in store for us. Leaving my parents, my best friend/ sister, Jareds family will be hard but no they have to get out more and travel to us!!
  If someone would have asked me last year on my birthday, what id being doing today.. selling my home and moving away would not have been my answer!
  I can't put into words the people in my life, especially the past two years, and what an impact they have made on me. I prayed for Years.. to make friends like I have now. But I know now more than ever the lasting relationships we have made... near or far won't matter.
  My husbands favorite #, & baseball jersey # is 24... so he is determined that this is my year to shine ... and that there is only good to come this year. New adventures are getting ready to begin... ok God your the driver I'm ready to catch the scenery along the way.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sissy Rae

Ok so I have this awesome app for the blog now... pretty sure I'm gonna be able to do this more now.

I have so much to catch you up on. I am getting ready to start the most exciting new adventure... more from that tomorrow ;-). Today is all about my sister Rachel.

Rachel Alexandria Moore... aka "Sissy Rae".. today she turned 19. How the time has flown by. I vividly remember that day, even if i was only 5 years old.. sitting impatiently in the waiting area with my aunts, wondering who was gonna replace me. Then out popped my dad and said "Its a girl!", for a second.. as a five year old would I felt sad... then it hit me.. yayy a sister!

That feeling came and went through the years.. being 5 years apart we had our fair share of fights... me trying to smother her with a pillow, and her annoying me, but now I see how those annoying times were her wanting to spend time with me. But we also have BooKoos of memories too. Living in the country, running through the woods, swinging on the swings our dad made us, playing with Hi Hos to hikes and dancing to country music and Spice Girls in my room... they have become even more special now that we are so close.

I guess it all started when my father was very ill and my mom and him were living at UVA, for treatments. I was 14/15 at the time... prime-time teen-ager years. Those times got put on hold while I became Raes mom for the next year, homework, talks and tears all. Then the following year my parents divorced, so we clung together even more.

It has been a wild ride for us as sisters and ourselves as a person, the past 9 years were hard, but I wouldn't give up one single day because it has made us who we are now, and we are closer than ever.

I am so proud of the woman she has become, that once akwardy shy Tom boy has become the most gorgeous and smart woman. GHS graduate, attending Radford University as a sophomore, Miss Independent and don't mess with me or my family attitude are the strongest attributes most are, but the ones I see is a caring, loving, God fearing, Dreamer. 

I love you Rae Happy 19th Birthday!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11 is my Lucky #.......11-11-11

Yes i know.... i'm terrible at this blogging thing.. but i am determined to do better!
  So yes, I have had a successful month and a half in my new salon. Working crazy hours but sooo worth the fact  that I am happily working for myself. Yes of course I'd love to be living in a warmer climate in a town with so much to do, but I look at the lovely little home Jared and I have made, nestled in the valley with the AMAZING mountains surrounding us, and I feel a sense of serenity.
*At the pumpkin patch enjoying our lovely mountains*

  So many thing shave happened since I blogged last. I had my first NYC trip.... its was soooo hectic, and I expected that going in to it, but with the short time we were there, I didn't get to enjoy it like I want to enjoy NYC for my first time. I remember growing up in the tiniest town ( I mean 0 stoplights and 1 small store and thats it) and telling my dad... "One day I'm gonna live in New York", he always laughed and said I'd never last. So... guess he was right! As much as I know going back and knowing what to expect and enjoying all it has to offer... i will never live there. It made me appreciate so many things, my car... my home, which I thought was small but compared to NYC apt. it is a mansion, being able to drive out of the town into the country in a matter or mins, and the quietness. Don't get me wrong, I did love all the city had to offer, it was beautiful at night from the rooftops, the music & urban lifestyle is amazing, and I know I only experienced 5% of what it has to offer, but thats the joy of going again and again. Thank GOD for Emily S, her having lived there and knowing her way around was a lifesaver for this small town couple. The subways made my head spin, and where to stay and not to stay, well is very clear now! She took some very memorable pictures, and I was so happy to spend the time with our best friends,  the Sibitzky's are so awesome :)

  The GTC, our amazing group of friends, had our annual Halloween party. Last year... well it wasn't the best memory for Jared and I... Four Loco's, not a good idea. This year... we had a great time, everyone seemed to have girlfriends/ boyfriends and we all danced and had a blast, some as Star Wars characters, and some as guys in speedos and chaps, others as phantoms and indians, either way it was another one to put down in the books.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Salon Bohemia Finishing Touches

  Tomorrow is the big day! Last day at the old salon, and tomorrow i start setting up the new salon. It has been a long time coming! My father, Jared, Dan S, and Emily S have helped so0o much!! I can't imagine not having them in my life, they are amazing! My dad is a walking miracle and has been working with severe neuropathy and other health conditions... thats what is making this even more special for me.
  I Love being a DIY person... crafts and art has made this special for me. I am starting to make hair pins, feather jewelry and headbands to incorporate in the salon. Salon Bohemia will definitally have those personal touches all over it!
  Before and after pics tomorrow!!! Hope you like it as much as I do!

Ok so it took over a month for pics... but i have them!! Guess that means I have been busy in the new salon! We still have alot to do, it looks amateur but it is so amazing working from home!


Monday, September 19, 2011

23rd Birthday!

23 years old today. Just another day in my book but it sure does mean a lot to me to have family and friends that make it special for me. I had 4 birthday dinners, Salon Bohemia is underway very well, hubby and I get to go to NYC in Oct, for late B-day/ Annv. present , with Dan and Em S, not to mention the numerous txts and emails and such i got today. I do love my life, yes I complain quite a bit... but I'm so lucky, a home we purchased, 2 amazing sets of family, friends who are my family, 2 great jobs, God in our life and so much more. Makes me appreciate the little things in life.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sharing Life

  Goodness i couldn't be happier that this day is coming to an end. Working two jobs is exhausting! I am currently in the midst of building an at home salon, Salon Bohemia, starting in Oct 1st! Which i am very excited about because the place i am now is so crazy expensive and stressful. This new adventure for me is risky but exciting! I will be doing what i love, hair, adding my own flair to the decor, selling accessories and of course being my own boss is awesome! But until then, working part time and full time and having a life is stressful!
  Jared and I are in a life group which helps me to unwind on Tuesdays. Our life group is basically several young married couples, some with new babies and some with no kids, who share their faith based life together. We have a study that we do every so often and we are currently reading " The Marriage You Have Always Wanted", which we are getting a lot out of. We discussed tonight how not only do we have to be servants to God but we have to be as well to our spouse and people in our life... this is teaching me a lot. Has me looking at life a a different perspective. It makes me see how selfish i am, and how i can change that. These couples are so encouraging, honest and open. We truly share life, no masks or fibs, no one is perfect and we don't judge, we help each other. Tonight we actually grabbed blankets and sat in a parking lot in the middle of downtown Roanoke.... which seems sketchy and loud, but at 7:0 pm it was peaceful and wonderful. In the midst of concrete, buildings, and chaos, we were sharing God and life, and the world around us seemed to fade away, and we could see the sun setting in between the buildings.